
Introduction: The modern educational paradigm is aimed at implementing a competency-based approach in training professionals for professional activities. The military profession, which requires thorough and comprehensive training of its personnel for activities in various conditions of complex and dynamic circumstances, in the presence of threats and risks to life and health, is no exception. It is the development of a serviceman's competence that should become the main reference point in his military training. Thus, there is a pedagogical contradiction between the need to train competent military personnel to perform tasks in the national staff of international peace support operations and the lack of pedagogical research on the content and structure of their competence. Our study is aimed at overcoming this contradiction, which determines its relevance for modern military education.Thepurposeis to determine the content of the training of officers of national personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to participate in international peace support operationsbased on the structure and nature of their professional competence.Results: The application of the competency approach in the study allowed to implement innovative views in modern education, the transition to the system of competencies in the design and modernization of the content of military education and quality control. The article substantiates the content and structure of professional competence the national personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as a component of military-professional competence, which integrates on military-special, socio-cultural and communicative components.Originality: A comprehensive model of the professional competency of national staff officers is proposed, which is the scientific substantiation of the standard of professional education, which is based on the qualification model of a specialist attached to the object and subject of peacekeeping.Conclusion: The article resolves the scientific contradiction. The proposed competency model could form the basis for officers' preparation for frequent international peacekeeping and security operations.

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