
The article is devoted to the generalization of international experience regarding the involvement of convicted women in work, professional training and education in order to promote their resocialization. The process of engaging convicted women in work and vocational training is analyzed on the example of countries with a developed penitentiary system, and the ways of solving their employment while serving their sentence are highlighted. It is noted that education and vocational training of convicts, in particular women, is an effective way to reduce the level of recidivism, and makes it possible to reduce the costs of maintaining offenders convicted of repeated crimes. World experience in this field is one of the most important sources of progressive innovative ideas. It is an integral part of international penitentiary cooperation. Today, the international cooperation of the penitentiary system of Ukraine is carried out in the following areas: implementation of international projects and implementation of foreign experience on humanitarian grounds; implementation of conclusions and recommendations of UN and Council of Europe bodies. The penitentiary system of our country has the closest ties with the countries of Germany, France, Switzerland, and England. Despite the national and other specificities of these countries, the application of their experience will save time and avoid mistakes in the development of the activities of institutions that carry out criminal punishments, take into account local conditions and significantly improve our system of resocialization of persons who are in prisons. It should be said that the experience of foreign countries in terms of labor involvement of those sentenced to imprisonment is divided, in some - labor involvement is mandatory, in others - it is carried out at his will. In Ukraine, those sentenced to imprisonment have the right to work on a voluntary basis on the basis of a civil law contract or an employment contract concluded between the convict and a natural person - an entrepreneur or a legal entity, for whom the convicts perform work or provide services. Thus, it is expedient to analyze the process of engaging convicts, in particular women, to work on the example of a country with a developed penitentiary system and to identify ways of solving their employment while serving their sentence. After all, professional training is one of the most important educational and rehabilitation programs that can be organized in prisons.

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