
The aim of the article is to present a new approach to geoinformation support of community zoning during regulatory monetary valuation of land, in particular approaches to geoinformation support of information on valuation zoning of community as part of the process of compiling technical documentation eXtensible Markup Language format. The research is based on the analysis of available literature sources on relevant topics and practical pilot implementation of geoinformation assessment zoningof Palanka rural territorial community of Cherkasy region,Mykolayiv city territorial community ofDonetsk region andMezhivkavillage territorial community of Dnipropetrovsk region. The need for research is due to the importance of introducing geospatialinformation on the zoning of territories in the normative monetary valuation of land in the geographic information system of theState Land Cadastre, which will create organizational and technical prerequisites for providing land relations information on theevaluation of land in electronic form. . The approaches proposed by the authors to geoinformation support of zoning of communities were implemented in the development of the Methodology of normative monetary valuation of land, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from November 3, 2021, No. 1147, as well as defining a set of basic lexical and syntactic rules for creating electronic documents. containing geospatial and other data on the results of work on the normative monetary valuation of land for inclusion in the State Land Cadastre.

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