
Introduction. To date, one of the key consequences and conditions of the technogenic transformation of the subsoil is the violation of land. The process of land disturbance occurs during the extraction of minerals, the performance of geological exploration, survey, construction and other works that lead to a violation of the soil cover, the hydrological regime of the terrain, the formation of anthropogenic relief and other qualitative changes in the state of the earth’s surface, which represents their operational degradation. In this regard, it is very relevant to consider the issues of dumping and recultivation of land with the use of means of hydromechanization, the development of technology and justification of the parameters of hydraulic dumping, as well as technological schemes and the procedure for filling the hydraulic dump, taking into account the low rate of consolidation of rocks of heavy mechanical composition, which delays the process of recultivation and the return of land to agricultural use. The purpose of the research. Solving the problem of ecologically adequate relief restoration during reclamation of hydraulic dumps, ensuring the return of land to the natural geomorphosystem of landscape complexes with their former functions, excluding the formation of a contour slope of the alluvial surface in relation to the slope of the valley. Research results. The proposed technology and parameters of hydraulic dump formation provide a significant improvement in the environmental situation due to the fact that the slope of the surface of the hydraulic dump coincides with the slope of the valley talvega. The results of the work have practical implementation in terms of reclamation of hydraulic dumps on the territory of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. The proposed approach makes it possible to establish the shape of the relief to perform its inherent functions in the morphosystem of the region and, depending on the lithological composition of rocks, to determine the most stable surface configuration that provides conditions for assimilation of the recultivated surface, formed in the logic of natural processes of evolutionary transformation of the subsoil.

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