
The Art and Design Research Institute serves as a crucial space for fostering creativity and innovation, playing a key role in discovering new ideas and solutions across diverse fields of art and design. Researchers at such institutes are expected to drive change in response to contemporary trends, undertake pioneering research in the arts and design, and lead innovation. The purpose of this study is to clearly understand and document the key roles and responsibilities within the 'Kyung Hee University Art and Design Research Institute,' establishing goals and expectations for fulfilling these roles and envisioning the future. The research involves analyzing policy white papers on design, cultural arts education, reports on university-affiliated research institutes, and various research reports to grasp and systematize the content related to the roles of art and design research institutes. Based on theoretical background development, the study identifies the perceived limitations by researchers in design institutes and derives the roles that institutes should play in overcoming these limitations. The Art and Design Research Institute should actively contribute to both academic achievements and practical advancements by fostering idea-sharing platforms through conferences and workshops, strengthening student guidance, enhancing domestic and international research exchanges, supporting researchers, and emphasizing interdisciplinary design, thereby promoting the development of the field of integrated design.

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