
The article deals with the problems of motor activity, the development of physical qualities and speed abilities of students. The importance of physical culture and physical fitness is revealed. The search for effective means and methods of physical culture in preparation for passing the GTO standards is analyzed. The features of physical training of high-speed orientation of students to pass the GTO standards for speed are considered. The effectiveness of the use of speed-oriented exercises, which are necessary for students to achieve the norms of the GTO complex for speed, within the framework of physical culture classes, is revealed. Research methods. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the results was carried out. The method of control tests was used. The overall assessment of the effectiveness of the above tools and methods is expressed in positive dynamics. The results of the study. According to the results of the study, there is a positive trend. The analysis of the results according to the table of GTO standards in the framework of physical culture classes allows us to note the growth of indicators for all established tests. Systematic classes using high-speed, high-speed and power-oriented exercises with a gradual change in the load, improving the technique of performing exercises, contribute to the development of the physical quality «speed». Conclusions. Regular physical education classes with the use of speed exercises contribute to the development and improvement of physical qualities, the achievement of growth rates of GTO standards. The level of readiness of students to fulfill the norms and requirements of the GTO complex at the average level. Affordable, effective means and methods of physical training make it possible to actively use the scientific and educational potential of the university. The purposeful organization of the educational process contributes to achieving the proper level of physical fitness necessary for the successful implementation of the regulatory requirements of the AR PCS Complex GTO.


  • The analysis of the results according to the table of GTO standards in the framework of physical culture classes allows us to note the growth of indicators for all established tests

  • Regular physical education classes with the use of speed exercises contribute to the development and improvement of physical qualities, the achievement of growth rates of GTO standards

  • The purposeful organization of the educational process contributes to achieving the proper level of physical fitness necessary for the successful implementation of the regulatory requirements of the AR PCS Complex GTO

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Особенности физической подготовки студентов к сдаче норм ГТО

Проанализирован поиск эффективных средств и методов физической культуры в подготовке к сдаче норм ГТО. Рассмотрены особенности физической подготовки скоростной направленности студентов к сдаче норм ГТО на быстроту. Выявлена эффективность использования упражнений скоростной направленности, необходимых студентам для достижения норм комплекса ГТО на быстроту, в рамках занятий физической культуры. Анализ результатов по таблице норм ГТО в рамках занятий физической культуры, позволяет отметить рост показателей по всем установленным тестам. Регулярные занятия физической культуры с использованием упражнений на скорость способствуют развитию и совершенствованию физических качеств, достижению роста показателей норм ГТО. Уровень готовности студентов к выполнению норм и требований комплекса ГТО на среднем уровне. Целенаправленная организация учебно-воспитательного процесса способствует достижению должного уровня физической подготовленности, необходимой для успешного выполнения нормативных требований ВФСК ГТО. Особенности физической подготовки студентов к сдаче норм ГТО // Развитие образования.

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