
The article analyzes the medieval interpretations of biblical images of Sophia of the Wisdom of God, Eve, Virgin Mary. Their role of women's inclusion in the social order of the Western European Medieval Society in the religious-cultural model is considered. The activity of women in religion, politics and science has been steadily increasing, but the society, at least in modern times, continues to broadcast ideas about the woman which are most clear and in detailed in the religious and cultural heritage of Christianity. They all relate to those ideas that contend with the idea of a woman's low capacity for intellectual activity, unprofessionalism, immaturity, and passivity, which are conditioned by "feminine nature". If, in the context of medieval religious culture, such perception was related to relevant socially predetermined functions that were actively promoted by the Christian church and supported by the specific religious space of that era, then women's ministry in the Christian church, based on women's biblical images, exemplifies the strengthening and propagation of the Christian faith.

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