
The globalization of education causes fair criticism of the self-sufficiency of the universities of any country for the training of competent specialists; moreover, the need to expand the academic mobility of students is generally recognized today. The article describes the main methodological approaches to defining the essence of the concept of ‘academic mobility’. The purpose, tasks, and functions of academic mobility of students in the context of international educational integration have been studied. Significant changes that have taken place in society, fundamental changes in the field of higher education have caused a rethinking of the goals, tasks and methods of organizing education in our country. One of the main goals of education is the training of qualified specialists who are able to navigate the constantly changing reality, master new modern technologies, implement them in practice and successfully master fundamentally new fields and activities. Successful self-realization and feeling comfortable in modern society, as well as ensure its sustainable development, will be possible for specialists who are able to improve themselves and transform professional reality in accordance with the requirements of time and modern society. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of the formation of personal mobility of future specialists. The activity of the individual is manifested in the ability to mobilize one’s capabilities, realistically evaluate events and find one’s place in the surrounding life, defend one’s views, etc. Thus, personal mobility expresses a tendency in a person’s desire to achieve the satisfaction of his material and spiritual needs, which are growing. As a result of the conducted research, it was stated that academic mobility is one of the important conditions for the development and self-realization of an individual in modern conditions. This enables students to: continue receiving further education; independently form an educational trajectory in accordance with interests, inclinations, needs; gain additional knowledge in related fields; improve foreign language and intercultural communication skills; get acquainted with foreign culture, history, etc.

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