
This article examines the formation and development of the economic and legal direction in law, whichlater received the name economic analysis of law. The purpose of the study is to conceptualize the politicaland legal ideas of Richard Posner on the economic analysis of law. The research methodology includesgeneral scientific methods of historical, systemic analysis and structuring, as well as special legal methodsof formal legal analysis and comparative law. The author emphasizes the key political and legal ideas of thefounder of economic analysis of law, Richard Posner, notes the positive aspects of economic analysis of law,and offers a critical understanding of certain controversial manifestations of the dominance of economictheories in law. The conducted research includes three main stages: a study of the background of thedevelopment of the economic-legal direction in law, an analysis of the first scientific works of Richard Posnerdevoted to economic and legal problems in certain branches of law, as well as an analysis of the fundamentalscientific work of Richard Posner “Economic Analysis of Law”. In conclusion, the author formulates theprerequisites for the development of economic analysis of law in Russian legal doctrine.

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