
Grain production, in which winter wheat occupies the main place, is the leading branch of agriculture of the RSO – Alania. It largely determines the overall financial results of many agricultural enterprises. However, in recent years, the republic has practically stopped growing strong wheat. In some years, the state's procurement amounted to 20 thousand tons or more. The production of valuable winter wheat has significantly decreased. Studies show that obtaining high yields of winter cereals can go not only due to new varieties, modern chemicalization, the use of high doses of mineral fertilizers, but also due to the improvement of agricultural techniques for its cultivation. Therefore, at present there is a need to search for cost-effective technologies, the introduction of which will reduce the cost of production while increasing the productivity of the crop, with high-quality indicators of winter wheat grain, with the condition of preserving the fertility of the soil and the environment. One of the attempts to solve this problem was the use of sown clover seedling for winter wheat. Enriching the soil with nutrients, including nitrogen, clover biomass contributed to obtaining not only a high yield of winter wheat, but also grain with high quality indicators corresponding to strong wheat. To obtain strong wheat, a system, a complex of organizational and agrotechnical measures is necessary, which includes many components: the right choice of a predecessor, the place of winter wheat in the crop rotation; high-quality seeds that correspond to high reproductions, sowing conditions, optimal sowing times and seeding rates, high-quality tillage, timely care and protection of winter wheat crops from pests, diseases and weeds, fertile fertilized soil, harvesting in optimal terms and without losses. Increasing soil fertility through the use of legume siderate (clover) is a cheap and profitable way, one of the links of the soil protection system of agriculture. In the areas of the forest-steppe zone, against the background of high agricultural technology, but without special additional techniques, strong wheat does not work. The main factors limiting the quality of grain in these areas are lodging, high contamination, diseases, lack of nitrogen, abundance of precipitation falling during the period of filling, grain maturation and harvesting. In this regard, various options for growing winter wheat in (2017-2019) were studied in the experimental field of the SCNIIGPSH VNC RAS in a stationary crop rotation, according to the scheme: 1. Oats for green feed, followed by semi-steam tillage-control; 2. Harvesting of sown clover for green feed in the budding-flowering phase followed by plowing; 3. Plowing of sown clover in the budding-flowering phase. In the experiment, clover was used as an intermediate green fertilizer, since it uses only part of the growing season. Clover was planted under the cover of the main crop-oats for green feed. The soil of the experimental site is leached chernozem of heavy loamy mechanical composition with the occurrence of pebbles at a depth of 30-35 cm. Agrochemical indicators: The content of humus is 5-6%, total nitrogen is 0.40%, phosphorus is 0.20-0.30% and potassium is 1.62-1.90%, PH=5.7. Meteorological conditions during the years of research were diverse in terms of heat supply. Significant fluctuations were observed both in the amount and distribution of precipitation, and in the temperature regime, which caused the unequal intensity of meteorological factors in general.

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