
The article focuses on clinical-statistical analyses of microbiocenosis of maternity pathways of women with oligohydramnios, which will enable the usage of etiotropic mediator aimed at reducing of the frequency of fetus and newborn’s infecting. The objective: to learn the biotope of vaginal environment in the process of pregnancy complicated by oligohydramnios. Materials and methods. There were observed 120 pregnant women with oligohydramnios at gestation term of 27–29 weeks (the main group). 30 women with physiological pregnancy process constituted the control group. Oligohydramnios was diagnosed on the basis of complex examination of pregnant women at the term of 27–29 weeks with the help of standard determination of amniotic fluid index. All the women underwent bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination and detection of antigens to: chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, virus of genital herpes, cytomegalic virus. Results. In the main group of women there was diagnosed ureaplasmosis, Gardnerella vaginalis, chlamydiosis, trichomoniasis, Candida albicans, more than half of women had increased concentration of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococcus epidermidis, aureus, saprophyticus, enteric bacteria, enterococcus faecalis), genital herpes, cytomegalovirus. Most of the representatives of the main group had bacterial infection of genital tract (69.17%), and complex bacterial-viruses infection (30.83%). Conclusion. Results of the research show that pregnant women with urogenital infections, inflammations of pelvic organs complicated by obstetrical – gynecological anamnesis should be referred to the group of high risk in reference to the development of oligohydramnios. Key words: pregnancy, microbiocenosis of vulva, oligohydramnios, infections.

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