
Annotation. Introduction. The studying process of the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy remains a priority for domestic economists, because the economic growth is impossible without the involvement in investment. In order to improve the investment attractiveness of the economy it would be desirable to determine the factors and relationships that improve the corresponding indicator. Purpose. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of foreign trade on the investment attractiveness, develop projections for the investment climate in Ukraine. The definition of the role of the country’s stock index in investment attractiveness. Results. The study reveals the concept of the investment attractiveness. The influence of export goods on investment attractiveness was investigated. A number of key export goods for the domestic economy were identified. The projections of the investment attractiveness for future periods were developed due to the price of export goods in the world market. The role of the stock index in the country’s investment climate was determined. The projections of the stock index of Ukraine were developed. Recommendations for increasing the investment attractiveness of the national economy were given. Conclusions. Based on the research, we can draw conclusions about the strong positive correlation between the foreign trade and the investment attractiveness. Now, Ukrainian exports are commodity-focused and, as a result, the economy depends on the price of agricultural products and iron ores on the world market. The results of the study predict and an increase in the cost of food products in the world and, as a consequence, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy. Despite the positive projections for the growth of commodity prices, the export of goods with high added value goods will be more profitable option for the economy. Keywords: investment activity; investment climate; foreign trade; economic growth; export; projection; polynomial trend line; iron or; correlation-regression analysis; stock index.


  • The main purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of foreign trade on the investment attractiveness, develop projections for the investment climate in Ukraine

  • The study reveals the concept of the investment attractiveness

  • Ukrainian exports are commodity-focused and, as a result, the economy depends on the price of agricultural products and iron ores on the world market

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Аналіз впливу зовнішньої торгівлі на інвестиційну привабливість України

Визначено ряд найбільш важливих експортних товарів для економіки України в умовах світової фінансової кризи. Розглянуто динаміку цін експортних товарів України на світовому ринку. Доведено залежність динаміки фондового індексу України від ряду експортних товарів. Розроблено прогноз ціни економічно важливих для національної економіки товарів на світовому ринку. Спрогнозовано майбутній тренд інвестиційної привабливості економіки за допомогою прогнозованих значень фондового індексу. Розроблено ряд практичних рекомендацій для підвищення інвестиційної привабливості та інвестиційного клімату в Україні. Analysis of the Influence of Foreign Trade on Investment Attractiveness of Ukraine. In order to improve the investment attractiveness of the economy it would be desirable to determine the factors and relationships that improve the corresponding indicator. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the impact of foreign trade on the investment attractiveness, develop projections for the investment climate in Ukraine. The definition of the role of the country's stock index in investment attractiveness

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