
This article examines the current challenges and strategies for attracting foreign capital to Ukraine's post-war economic modernisation. Russia's full-scale invasion has had a significant impact on the Ukrainian economy, causing widespread damage to businesses and significant shifts in business activity and budget spending. In the face of these difficulties, a sound investment strategy is essential to support the country's future recovery and growth. Methodology. This study uses a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative analysis and quantitative examination of economic and trade statistics, to evaluate strategies for attracting foreign investment and economic modernisation in post-war Ukraine. Traditionally dependent on foreign trade, including with its neighbours (such as Russia and Belarus), Ukraine's economy has undergone significant post-invasion changes, particularly in terms of trade dynamics and sectoral growth. The paper examines the context of Ukraine's trade agreements, its position in global markets and the impact of the war on its external economic relations. The analysis underlines the urgent need to reform and modernise key sectors such as agriculture and energy, and the crucial role of foreign investment in these areas. It underlines the importance of improving the investment climate, fostering competition, encouraging continuous innovation and improving the skills of the labour force in order to create a favourable environment for investment. The article also examines Ukraine's potential as a candidate for EU membership and how this status could enhance its investment attractiveness. It emphasises the need for Ukraine to align itself with European standards and to incorporate provisions relating to reconstruction and rehabilitation into its legal system. The results indicate that Ukraine's post-war economic recovery and modernisation depends heavily on targeted foreign investment and alignment with EU standards. The paper provides recommendations for a strategic investment policy, including the expansion of trade agreements, the development of quality infrastructure, the improvement of logistics with the EU, etc. Finally, the publication identifies priority sectors for investment that will lead to a transformative review of Ukrainian legislation and institutions, preparing the country for EU integration. This comprehensive approach and the coordinated support of the EU are crucial for Ukraine's recovery and long-term growth, underlining the important role of investment in achieving these goals. Practical implications. This study provides insights into Ukraine's post-war investment strategies and economic policies aimed at sustainable economic reconstruction and growth, improvement of the investment climate in Ukraine, and legislative reforms to ensure economic sustainability.

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