
Thе article is devoted to the study of the organization of modern museums, with regard to new approaches in the management and marketing, contributing to the activation of their relations with customers and other contact audiences on a long-term and mutually beneficial basis. The authors emphasize that customer focus is not just words, but the relevant architecture of relations aimed at creating an actual and not an abstract consumer value. Its purpose is to treat the customer as a complete human being with the body, mind, emotions and soul. Such interpretation in new conditions assumes orientation to lifelong value of the consumer and long-term work with him consisting of consecutive stages – the attraction, retention and formation of relations have to get more steady and stable character. The article proves that the ultimate goal of commitment involves not only regular use of a product or service, but, above all, emotional loyalty, when committed customers become promoters of various “favorite” market brands of their own free will. In this regard, the authors give their own, original interpretation of the term “marketing of the museum management”, which refers to the management process of the cultural institution aimed at creating and communicating the values of the material and intangible heritage of mankind and the environment in order to meet the spiritual, aesthetic, educational and other needs of visitors, various stakeholders and society as a whole. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that it offers basic criteria of the museum as a customer-oriented organization, including: an orientation as a key strategic goal for the long-term and sustainable relationships with clients; identifying the motivations of target audiences for cooperation on the basis of their real and potential needs; training of the museum staff for the technology and marketing methods of interaction; modern, regularly updated website; communication in media; intensification of work in social networks; support of the movement of volunteers and other initiative communities promoting the national and world cultural heritage; cooperation with other museums, exhibition centers, specialized educational institutions; fundraising; creation of an accessible environment for persons with disabilities; systematic stimulation of customer loyalty; comfort of the physical space of the museum; expansion of the list of additional services; formation of corporate style; organization of work with feedback, including the analysis of causes of dissatisfaction of visitors and the adoption of appropriate corrective management decisions.

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