
The article deals with the problem of formation of the informational culture of primary school pupils. The theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of the informational culture of pupils at studying of educational disciplines are described. The main, most important principles of constructing the didactic system of informational preparation of junior schoolchildren are formulated. The important components of computer literacy of primary school pupils are characterized. The complex of rules for the teacher’s leadership formation of informational behavior of pupils are developed. Defined organizational forms, methods and means of teaching pupils of primary school in the system of formation of the information culture in the conditions of information Internet environment. It is important for the teacher to be able to use intelligent information technologies (databases, knowledge bases, systems of artificial intelligence, in particular expert systems, video-text systems, telematics, information and other means of storage, processing, transmission and presentation of information). At the same time, it is essential to have the ability to organize, systematize, structure data and knowledge, understanding the essence of information modeling, the ways of presenting data and knowledge. In the educational process for the development in the pupils of primary school of information competence, it is important to consider such didactic principles as the principle of availability, the principle of continuity and systemicity, the principle of reliance on the positive, the principle of humanization, the principle of integration of disciplines of the natural and humanitarian cycles. Propedeutics of information culture is oriented on the development of cognitive activity of pupils and their creative potential, aimed at forming the flexibility and criticality of thinking, promoting the ability to think in categories, separating the main thing from minor, analyzing the situation and drawing conclusions, developing their objective and abstract components.

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