
The article reveals the scientific and theoretical foundations of the formation of social maturity of future law enforcement officers. The social maturity of the future law enforcement officer is an integrated quality of the specialist's personality, in the structure of which two components are important: cognitive-behavioral and motivational-personal. Cognitive-behavioral includes: social intelligence (social knowledge, its structure, adequacy to the social environment), social skills, methods of effective interaction, social behavior skills, which are revealed through productive methods of performing socially significant activities, constructive behavior skills in difficult life situations. Motivational and personal: motives and values of self-realization in society (motives of achievement, self-realization in socially significant activities, consciousness of life), personal properties that ensure self-realization of the individual. The most important means of improving the process of forming social maturity in future law enforcement officers is the development and implementation of a model of social maturity formation in the educational process, which includes a target setting for the formation of social maturity of future law enforcement officers as a personal and professional quality through the implementation of types, forms and methods of student activity that imitate their future professional activities. Effective formation of social maturity in future law enforcement officers is ensured by a set of conditions: development of a model of formation of social maturity in future law enforcement officers in the process of professional training; development and approval of a special experimental program for the formation of social maturity in future law enforcement officers in the process of professional training; determination of the main indicators of social maturity of future law enforcement officers; determining the components of monitoring the level of social maturity of future law enforcement officers. The main indicators of the formation of social maturity in future law enforcement officers are cognitive, motivational and personal, operational, activity indicators. The characteristics of each of the indicators are presented by a description of the ability and readiness, as well as personal qualities of the future law enforcement officer. Key words: future law enforcement officers, social maturity, social competence, formation of social maturity.

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