
The article examines the place and role of marketing management in the management system of components of the agrarian economy. Agrarian economy is an important branch, since agriculture determines the economic activity of a large part of the population of many countries and plays an important role in providing food and raw materials to other sectors of the economy. Marketing management in the agricultural economy management system is important. Its approaches, methods and tools help meet consumer needs, bridge the gap between producers and consumers, optimize the use of resources and ensure the competitiveness of agriculture. This increases the financial well-being of farmers, contributes to the overall development of the agrarian economy. Its components are the market of producers of agricultural products and their buyers. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the expediency of using digital marketing tools to increase the competitiveness of domestic manufacturers both within the country and abroad has been proven. The article proposes the stages of forming a marketing strategy to increase the competitiveness of agricultural producers. At each stage, there is a solution to a specific problem and the achievement of a specific goal, which agricultural enterprises set before themselves. It has been proven that for the effective implementation of all stages, it is necessary to use digital marketing technologies and tools. Marketing management is important in the management system of the agribusiness economy. Its approaches, methods and means make it possible to satisfy the needs of consumers, overcome the gap between producers and consumers, optimize the use of resources and ensure the economic viability of agriculture. This will increase the financial well-being of business entities, contribute to the development of the agrarian economy. Effective marketing management is critical to the success of the agricultural sector as a whole. It allows you to plan, organize and control the process of agricultural enterprises entering the market and their further participation in competition.

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