
70 years ago, the bloodiest of wars had ended. Literally,
 the next day the USA started the ruthless Cold war against the
 USSR. Goal – to destroy the USSR as political and military enemy.
 Ironically, it was the Russian Empire (and the Soviet Union
 – its successor) that first in the world recognized the USA as an
 independent state. In 1991, the goal was achieved. Russia considered
 the cold war over, and the USA a partner in all matters. In
 vain. It is no secret the CIA felt home in Russian governmental
 buildings. It is no secret that Department of State advisers sat in
 every Russian Ministry. Unsurprisingly, imposed reforms have led
 to destruction of industry, agriculture, and medicine. The country
 was flooded with imports, and Russia has lost the basic security of
 Obviously, the same benefactors from the CIA forced the Ministry
 of Education and Science to adopt the surrogate instead of the
 Soviet system of education. Moreover, the well-wishers perfectly
 knew that this surrogate was of very low quality. Introduction of
 the American system of education instead of the Soviet one is the
 manifestation of the cold war.
 Artificial confrontation of computer graphics vs. descriptive
 geometry arose. Enforced antagonism resulted in elimination of
 teaching descriptive geometry in many areas. Known: computers
 and computer graphics come from the USA. Note that geometry
 experts do not oppose to the use of computer graphics. More obscure
 is the position of some of our partners, when they advocate destruction
 of science in favor of a drawing instrument. In this mortal
 combat of geeks, the author sees a manifestation of the same cold
 war that the United States maintains with Russia. Deduction: it is
 so because computer graphics took all its geometric methods of
 constructing from descriptive geometry.
 Minimal program of overcoming this geometric crisis in higher
 education is provided.

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