
With the transformation of international relations system and the escalation of the conflict potential of the regional Eastern European space, the development of a modern security sector, aimed to protect state sovereignty and territorial integrity, is a key task for Ukraine. In this regard, the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign partners is extremely important for ensuring the implementation of reform and modernization of Ukrainian defense sector with modern standards. The article is devoted to the comprehensive analysis of Ukrainian-Lithuanian cooperation in this field. The constructive content of the cooperation before the EuroMaidan events was focused on borrowing the Lithuanian experience of the transformation of the Soviet military system into compliance with the standards of the Euro-Atlantic system of collective security. Following the annexation of the Crimea and the start of aggression in the Donbas, the issue of Ukrainian-Lithuanian security cooperation was actualized through a common understanding of the existing threats and challenges to the regional space.The article emphasizes that Ukrainian experience in the fight against hybrid threats is highly valued by the Lithuanian specialists, and they are interested in the studies of this issue. One of the major fields for a strengthening of cooperation between the states was LITPOLUKRBRIG as a multinational unit for supporting the regional stability and compatibility of the armed forces. It is emphasized that the current level of development of relations between Ukraine and Lithuania in security can be evaluated as a strategic partnership. Lithuania continues to pay efforts to professional education of Ukrainian servicemen, deepening this sphere of relationships due to the functioning of the training mission on the Ukrainian territory; provides medical treatment for Ukrainian soldiers, who were wounded in the ATO-zone. Lithuania is the only European state, which provides lethal weapon to Ukrainian armed forces, also participating in the multinational advising activities for the intensification of the reforms in Ukraine. The Ukrainian-Lithuanian relations are based on military-technical partnership, cooperation in military personnel training and in the format of international peacekeeping operations.


  • Українськолитовські відносини ґрунтуються на військово-технічному партнерстві

  • Технічна угода між Міністерством охорони краю Литовської Республіки, Міністерством національної оборони Республіки Польща та Міністерством оборони України щодо детальних аспектів функціонування спільної військової частини та її командування

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Приймаючи до уваги продемонстровану готовність Литви надавати Україні всю необхідну допомогу, в тому числі – в процесі реформ сектору безпеки та оборони, ми маємо констатувати пріоритетність україно-литовських відносин для забезпечення сталого розвитку нашої держави.

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