
The article analyzes the resistance of the Muslim family as one of the forms of the tradition-al family to the destructive tendencies of our time in the field of family and marital relations. The family crisis is considered by the authors as a process of structural and functional deformation of traditional family and marital relations. The article presents a detailed description of the ideal type of the Muslim family or the socio-cultural model of the Muslim family as a religiously sanctioned so-cio-cultural institution regulated by the norms of Muslim law. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of trends in the transformation of the actual Muslim family in modern society. A number of destructive trends has been established: having few children, deformation of the generational hierar-chy, weakening of the power and authority of the older generations, distortion of gender roles, de-valuation of family values and the related destruction of family chastity, change of family collectiv-ism by family egoism, increased frequency of divorces, formalization of religious sanctions and de-sacralization of the family. It is substantiated that the Muslim family can and should become a bul-wark against modern destructive tendencies of the global family crisis through observing a reasona-ble balance between novations and traditions, without exaggerating either the former or the latter.

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