
The article’s analysis focuses on the ontological aspects of social existence harmonious. Ethical principles of good are the main de-confliction mechanisms, factors that are reproduced and responsible for solving the problem of social and individual order. Universal ethical values - freedom, love, responsibility, creativity is a preexisting knowledge that produces, translates and reproduces the coherence practices of co-existence at both individual and social levels. It is revealed that the functionality of the latter is reproduced in the space of productive communication experience, which acquires personality in the social interaction context. The "threat" to ethical knowledge, which is the ontological basis of the social being organization, is the problem of ethics relativity. This problem arises and spreads as a result of the ethical knowledge objectification, its transformation into a thing. In other words, it is the transformation of universal values, the goals of ethics as spiritual phenomena, into the means of achieving individual desire, personal well-being, the tools of satisfying my selfish desires, that transforms a person into a conformal consumer. From ancient hedonism to modern versions of transhumanism, ethical relativism theories continue to actively raise questions about the relevance of the ethical absolutism principles. It is noted that the dissonance that arises in connection with the actualization of the ethics relativism question indicates an aggravation of the formalization problem of spiritual knowledge. Consequently, ethical conformity is required to conform to the ontology of social being. This correspondence is based on the absoluteness of ethics as a condition for the functioning of harmonious social relations - on the one hand, and human development - on the other. Thus, the analysis of the consolidation mechanisms of human being, its integrity, harmony, should focus on the actualization of the ethical absolutism issue, which is particularly acute in today's conflict world. It is this perspective that explores the problems of integrating social and individual order and provides tools and solutions.

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