
The article reveals the process and factors of socialization of hearing-impaired children; the pedagogical conditions of their formation are highlighted. The results of a thorough analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allow us to assert that the social development of a child with hearing impairment is influenced by a number of factors: the state of hearing, level of speech development, their individual characteristics, specially organized training, conditions of family education. It is emphasized that the socialization of children with hearing impairments lies in their integration into society, their assimilation of the values and generally accepted norms necessary for their future life in society. It is claimed that social activity is an activity that is a means of forming social, communication skills based on high moral collectivist motives, aimed at the positive development of the environment, people, nature. It is argued that social skills are conscious actions, gradually developed as a result of upbringing and serving for the creative transformation of the surrounding reality, which leads to the development of a hearing-impaired child, their self-education, the enrichment of their social and communicative experience, the formation of their responsibility, hard work, diligence. It is also indicated that the types of social skills of children with hearing impairments are: self-service skills, agricultural skills; volunteer work; various labor operations. It is emphasized that the pedagogical conditions for the formation of social skills in children with hearing impairments include: compliance of work with general didactic principles and specific principles of work with hearing-impaired children; creating a supportive environment; interaction between parents - teachers - children; maintaining the communication activity of children with hearing impairments; the readiness of teachers for specialized activities in the social skills formation. It is claimed that social development combines the processes of socialization and individualization.


  • Акцентовано, що соціалізація дітей з порушеннями слуху полягає в їх інтеграції у суспільство, засвоєнні ними цінностей і загальноприйнятих норм, необхідних для подальшого життя у суспільстві

  • Перспективи подальшого дослідження полягають у доопрацюванні методичних і практичних розробок щодо формування соціальних навичок суспільної діяльності дітей з порушеннями слуху

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ЩОДО ПРОБЛЕМИ СОЦІАЛЬНОГО РОЗВИТКУ ДІТЕЙ З ПОРУШЕННЯМИ СЛУХУ Порушення слуху значно ускладнює соціалізацію глухих і слабочуючих дітей, що в першу чергу пов’язано з відсутністю або різким недорозвиненням мовлення, і як наслідок, порушенням соціальних контактів дитини з навколишнім світом.

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