
The research is carried out from the focus on the analysis of the main lexical and semantic characteristics of the borrowings from the English language in the modern Ukrainian language. It is found out that the results of such researches are of considerable importance both from the theoretical and practical point of view as they give the opportunity to outline the interaction between linguistic, social and cultural aspects. The increasing number of the borrowings in the Ukrainian language and the features of their functioning within a new linguistic situation condition the urgency of the research. The article clarifies youth conversational vocabulary as the key linguistic environment for its use. The article also covers the main types of the borrowing words (direct borrowing and calquing). In the work are considered the new meaning, characteristics and connotation the borrowing words can get in a new language. The basic lexical-semantic features of the modern conversational units are outlined(namely lots of connotations, multi-functionality, synonymizing, polarization; the elimination of certain features of words; giving or removing the emphasis to the word). It is proved that constant change, laconism, smartnessare specific to slang; communicative, emotional and assessing functions of the slang are also specified in the article. Key words: conversational vocabulary, interaction, linguistic, social and cultural aspects, semantic changes, stylistic features.

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