
Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine how incumbent early childhood teachers who have undergone changes due to COVID-19 image early childhood teachers in remote education.
 Methods In this study, metaphor analysis was conducted to find out the human conceptual system and thoughts from the perspective of experientialism. The subject of the study is 172 early childhood teachers with remote education experience. The researcher distributed the research subject a sentence-completed metaphor analysis questionnaire, “In remote education, the early childhood teacher is ( ). Because it is ( ).” After organizing the collected data in Excel, it was analyzed using the conceptual metaphor method(Gok & Erdogan, 2010) that revealed the metaphor tendency and metaphor type. While the researchers repeatedly read the data, the final results were derived through classification, categorization, and recategory.
 Results As a result of the study, early childhood teachers perceived early childhood teachers implementing remote education as robots, guides, entertainers, researches, capable of doing anything, leaders, a person who teaches others, and people who would disappear.
 Conclusions Through the results of this study, it was revealed that early childhood teachers perceived difficulties and limitations in their roles in early childhood remote education, and various implications were also provided for the new role of early childhood teachers for childhood remote education in the post-COVID-19 era

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