
Objective of the study consists in analyzing the transformation of socio-political communication in the context of the development of a digital society. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of “network society” by B. Wellman, M. Castells; the concept of mediatization of social reality by N. Couldry, A. Hepp; the theory of “platform society” by T. Gillespie, J. van Dyck; the concept of electronic democracy by I. Masud, L. Grossman and others. Research results. The article analyzes trends related to the digitalization of public life and their impact on the transformation of socio-political communication. The ambivalent nature of the digitalization of society is stated: on the one hand, an increase in the level of political awareness of society members, the emergence of platforms for dialogue between society and the authorities through the creation of feedback, the actualization of civic engagement; on the other hand, there is an incredible amount of information that is unsystematic and inconsistent with reality, making it difficult to understand and ultimately forming distrust of it as such. The latter contributes to the development of the following negative trends: social apathy, civic passivity, apolitical.   Prospects of the study. The problem of the impact of digitalization on the formats of socio-political communication is of scientific and practical interest due to the need to understand both the prospects and risks of using digital technologies in the organization of socio-political communication.

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