
The article postulates that progress in the development of the rule of law is inconceivable without the formation of legal culture. Such a process is complex due to the multidimensionality of legal culture, included in the gen-eral culture of the people, and the secondary nature of legal values in relation to general cultural values. The author distinguishes objective and subjective factors of legal culture formation in the modern socio-cultural space. Objective factors include globalization processes in the world that have fully affected Russian society and the state, as a result of which there is an undermining of the foundations of Russian legal culture and de-formation of the targeted mechanisms for its formation, such as legal education and upbringing, which inevita-bly leads to destructive processes in other subsystems – economic, political and spiritual. Among the subjective factors, the author highlights the value orientations and attitudes of all subjects-bearers of legal consciousness towards legal behavior and involvement in positive changes in legal reality, which act as internal motivators of external forms of expression of the level of legal culture. The author emphasizes the importance of reforming the institute of education and upbringing as the main mechanism for the formation of subjective factors of legal culture in the context of legalization of all spheres of life of modern man, and actualizes the need to create a unified system of competencies in the field of legal knowledge, skills and abilities for graduates of schools, universities and colleges of non-legal areas in accordance with the strategy of building a law-governed state. The importance of the formation of value orientations and attitudes for carriers of professional legal conscious-ness is stressed, as the level of legal culture depends on personal example and quality of performance of offi-cial duties. Among the measures directly dependent on state institutions is the formation of a strong state ideol-ogy based on the national foundations of Russian culture, taking into account the factors of multi-ethnicity and multi-confessionalism, which act as a platform for the legal culture of the individual, group and society as a whole.

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