
Analyzing the active side of the subjects of the commercial secret regime, the following main directions can be distinguished in it: establishment of the commercial secret regime; operation (use and use) of the commercial secret regime; change of the commercial secret regime; termination of the commercial secret regime. Depending on the above-mentioned directions of the activity of the subject in relation to the regime of confidentiality of information while ensuring trade secrets, the following types of subjects of this regime can be identified: 1) the main subject is the owner of the information constituting a trade secret; 2) officials who are endowed by the main subject (the owner of the information constituting a trade secret) with certain legal powers to carry out the direct operation of the trade secret regime; 3) implementing entities (employees of the company); 4) user subjects (counterparty, federal state authorities, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies); 5) a special subject (court, preliminary investigation body, investigation body).

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