
The rules of the subject like “Analysis of musical works” have now outgrown its status and gained the modality of the author’s musicological work. Therefore, the proposed article devoted to the blessed memory of the outstanding Ukrainian musicologist N. A. Horyukhina, the founder of modern Ukrainian systematic musicology, has the content of the reasoning on the implementation of analytical algorithms for the diagnosis of musical works in the version of the foundations of the hermeneutics of musical text. According to the authors of the article, setting such a problem was long overdue, since the algorithms of the formal-logical specialization of knowledge about the “form” of a musical work were not just outlived, but also became a considerable didactic threat in terms of insolvency to reach the essence of the author’s intention and his ideas at the level of intonation processing of the musical matter of a particular musical work. After all, finding out the essence of the “individual” is unthinkable outside the Absolute (musical universals) – its unique replication itself, which should be thought of considering the architectonics of the world of music as a definite systemic education, which is organized not only by the stylistic (sound-physical), but also the methodological levels. That is, the newest type of methodological reflection, which is generally aimed at a holistic understanding of the world of music, is both didactically and heuristically fruitful in the intention to comprehend the essence of musical expression and its hermeneutic reception in the inherent semantic meanings of a real musical text. Therefore, the prospects for further research in this direction are seen in tolerance to the intellectually inspired understanding of certain patterns in organizing the world of music precisely as a sound-intonation environment and art of intonated meaning – from the adaptation of certain sound forms / ideas to their comprehension as the sound-intonation Continuum of the “World of Music”. The essence of the problem statement in its general form and in connection with the scientific and practical tasks important for the present is seen in the issue of algorithms for analyzing the real musical text as a “text” of culture and methods for recognizing this text in the discourse of the hermeneutic (interpretative) practical work.

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