
The paper is devoted to a problem of interaction of two major departments of imperial Russia – the military ministry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The author marks, that it was carried out in many directions, the main of which, in his opinion, was the cooperation in the sphere of police activity. The military men initially carried out police functions. Transition of military men in police was easier, than transition of police officers to the army service. Full submission of police to the military ministry in the Russian territories of Central Asia (Russian Turkestan) was especially significant. If in other regions of the country, the district police was separated from administrative authority, in Turkestan it was connected with it. The chief of administration of district was simultaneously the chapter of police administration, where there were army officers, and even civil officials in Russian Turkestan were obliged to wear the military uniform. As a result of research, the author comes to conclusion that neither army, nor police could rescue the Russian autocracy from historically inevitable crash.

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