This study investigates how strengthening college students' digital literacy competency and technology start-up opportunity capacity affects the development of career paths such as employment and entrepreneurship, and determines how digital literacy competency strengthens college students' ability to prepare for the future. This study was conducted to find ways to help college students discover entrepreneurship opportunities through empirical research on competency. The main empirical research results are as follows. First, the higher the digital literacy competency, the higher the potential entrepreneur's technical knowledge, creative thinking, and technology commercialization feasibility assessment, which was found to have a positive impact on technology startup opportunity capabilities. Second, among the sub-variables of digital literacy capabilities and technological startup opportunity capabilities, innovativeness was found to have a positive moderating effect in the relationship between technological knowledge and creative thinking. These analysis results suggest that digital literacy capabilities can increase innovation in relation to technical knowledge and creative thinking. Third, innovativeness, risk tolerance, and competitive attitude were found to have a positive moderating effect in the relationship between digital literacy competency and technology startup opportunity competency evaluation of technology commercialization potential. Fourth, although it has been shown in previous studies that digital literacy competency has a positive effect on technology startup opportunity capabilities, in this study, the interaction effects with innovativeness, risk tolerance, and competitive attitude were analyzed in more depth. This result suggests that digital literacy capabilities alone are not sufficient to increase entrepreneurial opportunity capabilities and must be considered along with other factors such as innovativeness, risk tolerance, and competitive attitude. In particular, people with high innovativeness tend to accept new ideas, and people with high risk tolerance tend to take on challenges without fear of failure. These characteristics can play an important role in increasing the capacity for entrepreneurial opportunities, so it is important to consider these factors together. Additionally, this suggests that education and support programs that help college students and young entrepreneurs develop and strengthen these capabilities are becoming more important.
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