
Students of engineering universities and colleges studying the disciplines “Structural Mechanics”, “Strength of Materials”, “Mechanics of Materials and Structures” in practical classes and during independent work rely on the strength of various kinds of bar structures. As the experience of teaching these disciplines shows, students have particular difficulties in calculating precisely statically indeterminable trussed systems. This is due to the fact that, in order to reveal static indeterminacy, in addition to the equilibrium equations of statics, it is necessary to surrender additional strain compatibility equations. The article considers the problem of improving the quality of teaching technical and construction engineer students using information technology. Several non-commercial educational software solutions for the calculation of frame structures were reviewed and analyzed. There is a recommended methodology for using this software within the educational process by teachers and students of technical universities and colleges for calculating statically indeterminable trussed systems. The research problem is to identify opportunities for intensifying the learning process for engineers of technical and construction specialties through the usage of non-commercial educational software. The article provides reasons to use suggested programs while teaching such disciplines as “Structural Mechanics”, “Strength of Materials”, “Mechanics of Materials and Structures” by students of engineering universities and colleges. The software is used to support and supplement theoretical lectures, during practical seminars; it acts as an additional educational tool to strengthen knowledge gained by students. It is proved that software and computer training technologies have great educational and development potential, provide maximum activity of participants during educational process and optimize training time and its effectiveness.


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ВИКОРИСТАННЯ НЕКОМЕРЦІЙНОГО НАВЧАЛЬНОГО ПРОГРАМНОГО ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ДЛЯ РОЗРАХУНКУ СТЕРЖНЕВИХ КОНСТРУКЦІЙ Проведено огляд і аналіз декількох некомерційних навчальних комп’ютерних програм для розрахунку стержневих конструкцій. Пропонується методика використання цих програм в освітньому процесі викладачами і студентами технічних вищих закладів освіти для розрахунку статично-невизначуваних стержневих систем.

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