
Various definitions of provided by different authors were discussed and examined in this research work. It was noted that all things that form a personality, for instant, internal values, beliefs, attitudes, create a basis of organizational culture. We believe that a special attention should be paid to the issues of organizational culture formation in educationalestablishment as young people usually define their values and stand in life when they study in higher educationalestablishment. In accordance with the model of competing values, it was determined that bureaucratic and market types of organizational culture are prevalent in the institute of «PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY» now. Most of the professors and members of «PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY» took part in the survey. In their opinion, all main changes in the culture of institutes of higher education should be related to the reinforcement of clan and adhocratic components. We also used E. Shane’s clinical methods to analyze the culture in students’ environment. The majority of students who participated in the survey appreciated the trappings of organizational culture. However, the usage of qualitative factors that determine student culture was not effective enough. It should be noted that a significant untapped potential was found. Improvements in university culture should become a priority of administrative work and teaching staff’s activities in all institutes of higher education. Student government should also be involved in this process.

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