
The article provides a legal analysis of the current state of legal support for employment promotion in Ukraine during martial law. Amendments to the legislation in the field of employment promotion are analyzed, the adoption of which was conditioned by the necessity to return to Ukraine the citizens who had been temporarily displaced, abroad, as well as their integration into the social and economic life of the state. The need to stabilize the employment sphere is emphasized, considering the emergence of various population groups suffered as a result of hostilities, in particular, internally displaced persons, women, minors, persons with disabilities, as well as participants in hostilities exempted from military service due to their health. Also, considering the current state of employment in Ukraine and global trends in the development of digital employment, the article draws attention to the need to improve national legislation in the field of digital employment. The article notes that despite the positive innovations, one should not forget that in recent years, views on the field of employment had changed significantly and digital employment had developed significantly. As a result, in order to achieve a balance between the interests of employers and employees, the European Union adopted Directive (EU) No. 2019/1152 of June 20, 2020 «On transparent and predictable working conditions». The Directive primarily aims to ensure that the rights provided for in it cover all employees in all forms of work, including those with the most flexible non-standard and new forms of work, such as work on the basis of contracts without fixed working hours, temporary work, home work, work on the specialized platforms. Consequently, the existing global experience in the field of digital employment should be taken into account by the legislative and executive authorities in the process of forming a balanced state policy in the field of ensuring employment promotion. In general, the introduced amendments regarding the legal provision of employment promotion are positive and allow creating prerequisites for the further development of employment promotion in legal relations and improvement of national legislation, the main aim of which would be the return to Ukraine of the temporarily displaced citizens and their integration into the socio-economic life of the state.

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