
Results of the research determine that the University's image is implemented in an attempt to identify the needs and expectations of consumers, as well as to achieve a high level of compliance with these needs and expectations. The University's image creates a qualitatively new type of competitive advantage, forms an appropriate business reputation, a certain representation of the organization, which is achieved through PR support of the quality management system. Structurally, the process of forming the University's image is based on the established connection of managing the quality of educational services with the formation of the image and PR support, as well as the connection and influence of the content of the internal and external image of the University on the functioning of its system of managing the quality of educational services. The use of image formation tools and PR support of educational services quality management systems involves the consistent formulation of the current internal and external vision of the university, its correction in accordance with the provisions of the desired image vision model, the development and justification of the university image concept, the formation of a systematic image model, planning and implementation of the established image model of the university.

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