
The purpose of the article is to determine the features of pedagogical personnel's professional activity that must be taken into account when planning the content of professionally applied physical training of students of pedagogical specialties. Professional applied physical training is one of the forms of students' physical culture. The content of such classes should be planned taking into account the specifics of the educational process and the characteristics of future professional activities. Factors such as the conditions and nature of the labor process, the alternation of the work and rest regimes, the specific features of the change in a person's working capacity during the working day determine the choice of appropriate methods, means and forms of professional applied physical training and ensure its effectiveness. The research was carried out using theoretical methods: the study of scientific and pedagogical literature, analysis and generalization. According to scientific literature, during the training, professional applied physical training forms not only applied knowledge in the studied area, but also professional skills, skills specific to a particular profession in each student. The effectiveness of the formation of a high professional level of a future teacher determines, among other things, the content of professional physical training, in the process of which educational tasks are solved taking into account the requirements of labor activity. As a result of the analysis of scientific literature, the specific features of the professional activity of pedagogical personnel from the point of view of professional applied physical training were determined. The article presents an approach to planning the content of professional applied physical training, taking into account the specific features of the professional activity of teaching staff, in the educational process of Omsk State Pedagogical University. The university's program involves the implementation of professional applied physical training in educational (theoretical and practical) and extracurricular activities (classes in applied sports, independent physical exercises in the daily routine, mass sports and physical culture, and recreation activities). During the training, the young specialist develops not only the necessary level of physical education and psychophysical readiness that contribute to the achievement of high performance and adherence to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, but also professional knowledge and skills specific to pedagogical activity. This approach plays a significant role in students' obtaining of special professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of physical culture and sports, and ensures the adaptation of a young specialist to professional activity.

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