
Coastal regions, which are theoretically characterized by the affinity of geographical, natural and other prerequisites for economic development, are characterized by a number of peculiarities of the practical functioning of special sectors of the economy, such as the extraction of aquatic bioresources, tourism and recreation, and the development of maritime transport. Identifying and taking into account the following features encourages the development of individual strategies for the development of coastal regions, taking into account their specifics of the maritime complex (using the developed sequence of stages and their content of strategic planning of ecosystem competitiveness of coastal regions). Analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the ecosystem competitiveness of the economy of the "Azov-Black Sea region", a list of strategic initiatives was established in accordance with the comparison of weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats, namely: influence on the formation of value orientations among young people and the middle generation, work with human resources, formation of a competitive economy of the coastal region on an ecosystem basis, strengthening of regional and local government institutions, overcoming the consequences of Russia's military aggression in the plan. The PEST-analysis showed the need to create conditions for the implementation of the strategy's measures: financing and branding. These areas require strengthening state and regional initiatives and public control in the field of ecosystem protection and restoration, creation and use of infrastructure for the development of shipping, including digital infrastructure, staff development along with active innovative research, and the implementation of green economy principles in the region's life.

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