
Приведены результаты исследований монтажных проводов электрических шкафов на воспламеняемость под воздействием тока. Выделены три зоны сверхтока, имеющие отличительные особенности появления источника зажигания. Показано влияние изоляции провода на частоту появления воспламенения в местах присоединения его к элементу электрооборудования. Представлены данные о воспламеняемости поливинилхлоридной изоляции в диапазоне пожароопасных значений сверхтока. Предложено характеризовать электрический провод как потенциальный источник зажигания площадью, образованной зависимостью времени воспламенения изоляции в интервале возможных сверхтоков. Wires are widely used for internal installation of electrical cabinets. Number of fire cases caused by wires takes one of the first places in fire statistics. Application of wires in the cabinets has its own fire-prone aspects peculiarities as concerns initiation of electrical nature ignition source. It appears both at single wire laying and at laying in cords where wires touch each other also in connection points of electrical apparatuses and devices located in the cabinet. The article considers issues of ignition source appearance in wires taking into account specifics of their installation in electrical cabinets. Ignition source appearance in a single wire and in wires contacting each other has a difference. There are given experimental data on inflammation frequency of wire insulation material at single wire laying and also at higher resistance in electrical elements connection points. Zones that differ in characteristic features of wire as an ignition source are given in the range of possible overcurrents. Zone A is characterized by insulation ignition with low probability due to low current density that is not enough to heat the wire up to the critical temperature Т, at which thermal decomposition products of wire insulating polymeric cover ignite. Zone B is designated in the range of overcurrent ratio from 2,5 to 18 compared with the long term permissible current value, in which insulation inflammation is observed due to fast conductor heating taking into account the influence of connection points with devices and apparatuses where increased transient resistance is present. It is experimentally confirmed that with the increase in transient resistance at the point of conductor connection with electrical equipment elements, the inflammation frequency of wire insulation increases. At the same time, the overcurrent range where ignition source appears reduces. It is proposed to use the area limited by the dependence of the time before insulation inflammation from the minimum to the maximum current value at which ignition occurs as a characteristic of the wire as an ignition source.

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