
The article is devoted to the history of formation of category of evaluativeness in Russian stylistics. The need to consider problems of evaluativeness is associated with lexicographic practice: in explanatory dictionaries of Russian language of the 18th – 19th centuries, evaluative information did not have systematic character. Theory of evaluativeness within the framework of stylistics was formed slowly and for a long time lagged behind the achievements of Russian and foreign lexicology and semantics. Based on analysis of Russian and Soviet textbooks, the author shows almost complete lack of interest of scientists of this period to linguistic means of transmitting evaluative information. The article emphasizes special significance of the first Soviet explanatory dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov, a reference book that reflects a system of stylistic labels that provide functional, emotionally expressive, and also – to a certain extent – pragmatic information about the word. It is established that appeal of Soviet stylistics to the issues of linguistic evaluation took place in the middle of the twentieth century. Attracting attention of scientists and teachers to the issue of linguistic means of transmitting emotional information contributed to the convergence of stylistics with lexicology and semantics, as well as the emergence of prospects for solving a number of lexicographic problems. The article highlights such problems of today’s academic and educational stylistics as the insufficiently clear distinction between the means of naming and broadcasting emotions, the lack of boundaries between expressive-emotional and functional stylistic coloring, insufficient development of the system of dictionary stylistic labels.

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