
One of the key objectives of military education is the formation of such an officer corps, which, owing to rich knowledge and the ability to skillfully apply it, will be able not only to quickly and correctly orient in the complex environment of modern combat, and make effective decisions, but also to educate warriors capable and entirely devoted to the Motherland. In higher military educational institutions, cadets, especially first-year students, experience serious psychological burden, associated, in particular, with a drastic change in living conditions isolated from their family, friends, and familiar environment, with the need to absolutely independently build relationships with commanders and fellow students, etc. This can cause negative emotions and states –anxiety, despair, stress, fatigue, etc., due to which the normal functioning of the mechanisms of socio-psychological adaptation of cadets can be disrupted, and maladaptive behavior may develop, which negatively affects the cadet’s performance and his/her ability to absorb the training material. In this regard, one of the primary tasks of the command staff and the faculty of higher military educational institutions is to ensure rapid adaptation of first-year cadets, their effective integration into a cohesive team and their mastery of a new social role. Based on the analysis of professional literature, the author presented the stages and the criteria of socio-psychological adaptation of first-year cadets. In addition, he marked the individual-psychological, socio-psychological, pedagogical, and professional directions of their adaptation to the educational process. Assumed from the results of the analysis, the author draws the conclusion that for effective adaptation of cadets to the environment and conditions of a military educational institution, it is recommended to: .consistently solve the problem of informing people of military age for their vocational guidance, through developing and implementing a package of regulatory documents to regulate this sphere of the education system; .upon admission to a higher educational institution, check and evaluate not only the level of applicants’ knowledge, but also their ability to master the training material in full, the degree of compliance with the chosen profession and psychograms; with the help of psychological research provide scientificity of the process of cadets’ adaptation; .increase the level of awareness of students of pre-conscription and conscription age through the use of new information technologies within the cooperation framework between the school and the higher military educational institution in order to guide future applicants in choosing a military profession.

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