
The actual problem of cultural memory and its modern interpretations in scientific and artistic discourses is posed. The aim of the study is to analyze the images of cultural memory, interpreted as a poetological resource of V.G. Rudelev. The object of the study is the artistic structure of the lyrics of the “post” era. The material research method is based on an integrated approach that combines elements of cultural-historical, comparative-historical and poetological methods. In the course of a consistent consideration of the semantic and poetological content of representative lyrical texts by V.G. Rudelev, it is proved that the appeal to the artifacts of the past in the idiostyle of a particular author, which is characteristic of the linguoecology of the post-industrial era, does not necessarily indicate an ideological proximity to postmodernism. In the case of the lyrics of V.G. Rudelev, who captured the properties of the creative personality of a poet, scientist and university professor, the appeal to the precedent phenomena of humanitarian culture is dictated by the desire to promote confidence in human capabilities and thereby resist the ideologemes of postmodernity. The practical significance and prospects of the study lie in the possibility of using them for further development of the scientific concept of linguoecology of the “post” era, as well as by introducing the results obtained into the educational process, for conducting seminars on modern poetry.

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