
Affixal word formation and term formation is one of the relevant areas being developed in Yakut linguistics. Starting with the fundamental work by Otto von Bohtlingk “On the Yakut language”, a study of the Yakut word-formation system was conducted in the grammatical works of V.V. Radlov, S.V. Yastremsky, N.N. Poppe, A.E. Kulakovsky, A.A. Ivanov-Kyund, P.A. Oyunsky, N.S. Grigoriev, L.N. Kharitonov, N.K. Antonova, E.I. Ubryatova, P.A. Sleptsova, E.I. Okoneshnikova, V.I. Bygova, I.B. Ivanova, etc. Affix –hyt in the Yakut language is a fairly used word-formation form, which denotes a person or figure for whom this subject (concept) represents the object of their occupation or profession, or constitutes their special inclination, skill, dexterity, predilection. The affix –aachchi in the Yakut language is also a living productive participial-nominal affix, which: firstly, denotes an actor or an actor; secondly, it functions as a participle and a finite verb form that has the meaning of a commonly performed action. The first affix forms nouns from nominal bases, and the second affix forms nouns from verbal bases. These derived bases, when formed from an unambiguous basis, express nouns denoting an actor or figure, which are close-valued and synonymous. For example, suruksut from suruk ‘letter’ – ‘able to write, scribe, clerk’; suruyaachchy from suruy ‘write’ – ‘able to write usually, writer’: tyylbaaschyt from tylbaas ‘translation’ – ‘translator’: tylbaastaachchy from tylbaastaa ‘translate, translate’ –‘translator. This article is devoted to the analysis of the nature of this phenomenon, i.e., the synonymy of names formed by affixes on –hyt and –aachchy from verbs and verbal names ascending to the same verb-nominal derivative root basis. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the main difference between words formed by the affix –hyt from names and the affix –aachchy from these nameless verbs is that names with the affix -hyt express the subject of action from the professional side (skillful possession of quality, activity, ability, inclination, etc.), i.e. the object of which is the given object, and the names with the affix -aachchy call (show) the names simply as subjects of this (given) action.

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