
Honey is a natural sweetener with a complex structural composition. The characteristics of honey depend on botanical and geographical origin, as well as climatic conditions, processing and storage conditions. Honey is a biomonitor for collecting information about the natural environment, the state and assessment of the level of pollution of soil, water, plants and air. Nowadays there is an acute problem of compliance with the quality and safety of honey as a food product, indispensable in the prevention of diseases and human treatment. Some beekeepers still use antibiotics to prevent and treat bee diseases. Therefore, when formulating the objectives of the study, the problem of proper control of the safety of natural honey in the conditions of accredited laboratories was taken into account; it requires a scientific assessment of the physical and chemical parameters of natural honey for the influence of treatment of bees with solutions or feeding them with antibiotics. The experimental study was carried out using 25 groups of bee colonies, which were in natural conditions in the apiary of the laboratory of technological and special measures for the prevention of diseases of bees of the NSC “Institute of beekeeping named after P.I. Prokopovich ". As a result of the study, it was found that the dynamics of physicochemical parameters in linden honey on the 10th day of the experiment and after 30 and 120 days of storage depended on the method of treatment of bee colonies with nitrofurans (AOZ). Most of the physicochemical parameters met the requirements of DSTU 4497: 2005. “Natural honey. Specifications ", except for the mass fraction of water and the mass fraction of sucrose when feeding the syrup with 0.1% nitrofuran solution (AOZ).

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