
This article provides new research data resulting from an analysis of Holocene deposits excavated at the far end of south chamber in Denisova Cave. 1.6 m thick strata were examined in an area of 12 square meters. Lithological Layers 0, 2, and the upper part of Layer 3, have mostly yielded the pottery fragments dated to the Early Iron Age. The vessels were decorated with rows of pits, “pearls”, impressions produced by the corner section of a spatula, and with an affixed smooth or dissected band. A stemmed bone arrowhead with an octagonal cross-section has been associated with this complex as well. The pottery vessel fragments from the lower part of Layer 3 ornamented with impressions of the vertically positioned comb stamp were attributed to the Middle Bronze Age. Pottery found in the same part of the stratigraphic section and Layers 4 and 5 shows features typical of the Afanasievo culture dating back to the Early Bronze Age. The pottery dishware was decorated with a zigzag pattern, imprints from a cord and obliquely arranged sticks, inclined impressions of a smooth or combed stamp, and horizontal grooves. The lithic inventory associated with the Afanasievo complex includes a carefully treated bifacial stemmed arrowhead, crescent-shaped knife, scrapers of various types, retouched flakes, and large pebble tools. Scarcely represented lithic tools, including the fragments of insets from Layer 8, may be attributed to the early Holocene. In general, the 2021 excavations showed that, during the Bronze and Iron Ages, humans inhabited the dark and narrow areas of the cave far from its entrance just as actively as the relatively bright and spacious parts of the site.

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