
The study of historical preconditions for the formation and development of Ukraine's foreign economic security system requires interdisciplinary knowledge. Accordingly, the article considers the methodological principles of research on the problems of economic security in the context of global transformations, such as the principles of historicism, objectivity, causality, system and development. Emphasis is placed on the following stages of development of the economic security system in Ukraine: Stage I, which lasted until 1917, Stage II - 1917-1930, Stage III - 1931-1940, Stage IV - 1941 - 1991, Stage V - from 1991 to the present. It is noted that on the basis of historiographical analysis of the results of historical and economic research, as well as highlighting the achievements in science the public administration in the recent history of public administration in the field of foreign economic security of Ukraine can be divided into six main substages: 1st sub-stage (1990-1996) is a historical period from the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine to the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine. 2nd sub-stage (1997-2002) - the period when the Concept (basics of state policy) of national security of Ukraine was approved. 3rd sub-stage (2003- 2009) - adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine" (2003). The 4th sub-stage (2010-2013) is the beginning of a change in Ukraine's foreign policy status, namely the renewal of its non-aligned status. This is reflected in the Laws of Ukraine "On the Principles of Domestic and Foreign Policy", "On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine", in the new versions of the Military Doctrine of Ukraine (2012) and the National Security Strategy of Ukraine (2012). 5th sub-stage (2014-2019) - radical changes in the military-political and military-strategic situation around Ukraine caused by Russian aggression, the leadership of the Ukrainian state renounced non- aligned status and renewed its foreign policy towards European and Euro- Atlantic integration. 6th sub-stage (2019 - present) - in the difficult military- political and military-strategic situation around Ukraine caused by Russian aggression, the tasks of European and Euro-Atlantic integration the tasks of European and Euro-Atlantic integration are being implemented, as well as the legal and institutional mechanisms of public administration in the field of national security are being improved.

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