
An important element of the legal status of a natural person-entrepreneur is the conditions for depriving him of the entrepreneur status. The purpose of the article is to determine the scope and content of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of legal regulation of a natural person-entrepreneur cessation, development of theoretical provisions and proposals for improving legislation and law enforcement practice. The research methodology is based on the application of historical, systemic, structural methods, methods of analysis, synthesis and other formal-logical procedures. As a result of the study of the historical formation of Ukrainian legislation, a logical series of development of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of legislative acts is defined and highlighted. The necessity of enshrining in the codified act in the field of entrepreneurship general provisions on deprivation of the status of an entrepreneur by an individual, including the use of appropriate terminology and concepts, is substantiated. Proposals have been formulated to supplement The Commercial Code of Ukraine with a norm on the loss of the entrepreneurial status by an individual. The distinction is made and the relations between the concepts of "termination of the natural person-entrepreneurial activity", "deprivation of a natural person of the entrepreneur status", "cessation of a natural person-entrepreneur", "cessation of the economic entity" are established. The provisions on the legal nature of the fact of termination of entrepreneurial activity and the fact of deprivation of a natural person of the status of an entrepreneur have been studied and formulated. The shortcomings of the norms of the current legislation, which do not differentiate the grounds for termination of activity of different legal nature, have been identified and substantiated. It is proposed to replace the term "state registration of cessation of natural person – entrepreneur activity" with the term "state registration of deprivation a natural person of the entrepreneurial status" and make appropriate changes in the legislation of Ukraine. In the conclusion the inexpediency of using the term "liquidation" in relation to a natural person-entrepreneur is substantiated. The definition of the concept of "cessation of a natural person-entrepreneur" is formulated. The possibility of using the concept of " deprivation of a natural person of the status of an entrepreneur" in the narrow and broad sense is outlined. Provisions are formulated for the structural connection between the basic concepts of cessation of economic entities.

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