
By the authors of this scientific article was revealed the evolution of educational services as a legal category since the times when writing have been invented and till the European integration processes in modern Ukraine. In the article was emphasized that the process of providing educational services is now mostly perceived as studying, which is a consequence of the long term use of the irrelevant terminology in the legislation of Ukraine and the lack of a legally defined definition of educational services until the adoption of the Law on Education in 2017. By the authors were determined that the expectations of providers and consumers of educational services can differ significantly in content, completeness, quality, applied efficiency of these services, forms of their provision, etc. The genesis of understanding educational services definition was described and its characteristics due to the historical and legal stages of receiving the status of educational institutions. The ways of providing educational services in terms of their economic and legal nature have been determined. The features inherent in educational services, acquired as a result of long-term development of social relations, are distinguished. The modern Ukrainian educational legislation base and providing the educational services were analyzed. It is determined that most of the legislation governing the process of providing educational services can be characterized by the general declarative norms. The authors suggested improving the conceptual and categorical apparatus and some norms of the national legislation on the providing of educational services in accordance with their current development and emphasize their economic character as a result of economic activity. Also, the article deals with that the legislative definition of the educational services definition and it was noted by the authors the only focus of the educational services on achieving the expected results of studying without the formalization of them, which can make the role of consumers of these services into a passive participant in educational relations. Keywords: education, studying, educational services, entities providing educational services, economic activity, consumer of educational services.

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