
Taking into account the importance and necessity of establishing an eff ective repair and maintenance facilities for Russian farm industry, research was conducted on agricultural enterprises to analyze methods of organizing maintenance and repair, as well as technical and economic indicators of services that perform these types of activities in all regions of the country. The authors have determined quantitative composition of operating enterprises, the engineering staff , as well as a number of indicators characterizing their economic condition. It is noted that currently farm enterprises dealing with the repair and maintenance facilities do not meet modern requirements. The equipment fl eet is outdated and requires large amounts of maintenance and repair to maintain its operability. The repair and maintenance facilities cannot perform this task and need organizational and technical transformations that take into account the prospects for the transition of manufacturers to a new level of interaction with consumers in the medium term - the life cycle contract. The paper considers the methodology concerning the possibility of using the “Total Cost of Ownership” criterion in Russia, and the possibility of transition of agricultural machinery manufacturers to a life cycle contract. It is noted that the lack of information on the state of the farm repair and maintenance facilities makes it diffi cult to determine a criterion for the full cost of ownership and the subsequent transition manufacturers on a contract life cycle. The authors indicate that the effi ciency of the repair and maintenance facilities of the industry can be increased by raising the production of domestic agricultural machinery in the medium term in 1.5…2 times, developing in the short term a regulatory and legal framework to include maintenance and repair services related to the leased equipment in the list of additional activities of leasing companies. Also the list of measures includes making vehicle repair contracts with manufacturers, providing state support for establishing service centers in leasing companies, and ensuring the availability of information on the cost of operation and maintenance for the entire period of the equipment use, as well as scientifi c support and training.

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