
The purpose. To inform commodity producers of all patterns of ownership about efficiency of long term straight sowing at cultivation of the basic crops in conditions of risky farming agriculture. Methods. Field, laboratory, statistical. Results. It is fixed that in the humidified years and on the average for years of researches water-physical properties of soil and its security with nutrients varies as compares to plowing within the limits of HCP0,05. But in drought years at straight sowing the density of soil is always increased critical value (1,30 g/cm3) and may gain 1,43 g/cm3 with simultaneous increase of hardness of soil on 23,9% in comparison with plowing. High density and hardness in rainless conditions negatively influenced propagation of root system, receipt to it of water and nutrients, stipulating lower productivity of crops, especially tilling ones. In the humidified years the mentioned before is not observed. Weed infestation of crops in the first year of application of straight sowing remains at the level of plowing, and in the next years it sweepingly increases, and already on the 3-rd crop exceeds control index in 1,5–2 times. Change of species composition of weeds is simultaneously observed. If pink sowthistle (Cirsium arvense) and amaranth (Amaranthus) predominate at plowing, then yellow sowthistle and white goosefoot (Chenopodium album) — at straight sowing. On the average for years of researches productivity of crop rotation at straight sowing was lower as compared to plowing on 4,4%. However, general expenditures reduced on 52,6%, fuel — on 8,2 kg/hectare (42,7%), quotient of power efficiency increased on 76,4% and has made 6 against 3,4 at plowing. Conclusions. The basic deterrent of application of straight sowing on typical midhumus heavy clayloam chernozem with removal of plant residues at harvesting in comparison with plowing is substantial increase of density and hardness in rainless conditions.

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