
The conceptual development of a model for the practical training of future professionals in the social sphere at the university is substantiated. It is noted that the core of the social sphere is social work as an active tool of the state’s social policy in working with various categories of the population. In the course of the study, block-structural model of the practical training of future professionals in the social sphere at the university is developed, including the following blocks: productive-purposeful, conceptual, software-technological, evaluative-reflective. The productive-purposeful block is associated with competence indicators, determined by the main indicators of professional knowledge, skills and abilities, the requirements for professionals in solving social problems and the goals of theoretical and practical training of future specialists in the social sphere, in accordance with professional standards. The conceptual block of the model includes re-search approaches (competence-based, androgogical, socio-cultural) and their corresponding prin-ciples. The software-technological block contains programs for organizing the passage and train-ing work with students and representatives of social organizations – bases of educational, research and industrial practices, a program for monitoring student practice and individual support. The evaluative-reflective block of the model assumes an awareness of how students achieve their learning goals in practical training is of paramount importance, this is important for understanding their professional role in the practice of social work. Practical training at a university is an integral part of the social education curriculum, taking into account the essence of helping professions and the specifics of the social sphere. The results of the interviewing, the included observation show the relationship between changes in practical training programs and the positive dynamics of the quality of practical training of students, an increase in the parameters of personal, social and tech-nological competencies among students of the “Social Work” Programme.

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