
The current state of the construction complex of the Russian Federation cannot be considered in isolation without connection with current problems such as the lack of balance between supply and demand in the investment and construction market; difficulties in forming competitive advantages for many construction enterprises; an imbalance of the established market structure; insufficient level of organizational and managerial security and a number of others. In solving these problems, it is important to focus on the intensification of entrepreneurial efforts, the result of which should be an entrepreneurial-type model introduced into the practice of the construction complex. The purpose of the study is to develop the methodological basis of entrepreneurship in construction and the formation of its methodological tools, taking into account the specifics of the objectively existing crisis of the construction industry. The article reveals the methodological prerequisites for the formation of an entrepreneurial model of the functioning of the construction complex and the management of this model in modern conditions. The necessity of using a number of principles of innovation, competitiveness, predictive orientation, and interaction in entrepreneurship in construction is substantiated. The methods that ensure the implementation of these principles in economic practice are revealed, as well as the possibilities and prospects for using effective information support systems for entrepreneurship in construction, built taking into account the marketing paradigm and the use of monitoring tools in it, Monitoring is considered from managerial positions as a necessary condition for achieving information saturation of the decision-making process in business structures of the construction profile. The possibilities of monitoring from the perspective of the planning and management cycle implemented in construction organizations are investigated. Special attention is paid to the competitive problems, such a phenomenon characteristic of entrepreneurship in construction as "competitive diffusion"is highlighted and revealed. It is proposed that in the process of managing organizations of the type under consideration, focus on the possibilities of forming divisions and their groups that directly ensure interaction and consistency of changes in internal and external factors.

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